FYI – What’s the Point?

A Better Way™ Miami reinforced the value of face-to-face interaction and communication. Since this isn’t always an option because most of us work remotely, we are constantly thinking of ways to keep our team connected. We wanted a place for the Flō team to be able to share thoughts, opinions, and insights and where all of that could be stored and easily accessed in the future. We landed on creating an internal blog to meet those needs, and thanks to Alex for the name suggestion, For Your InFlō (FYI) was born.

Our goal is to use FYI to post updates, news, announcements, tips, best practices, recognize fellow team members (and yourself, for that matter – the team would love to hear how you rocked that presentation or found an amazing solution to that problem), provide feedback, and more. We want to use FYI to engage with each other by leaving comments and responding to questions and suggestions.

For example, “Hey, do a keyword search on FYI because I just saw something there that might help.” or “There’s a new FYI post on the subject we covered today in our town hall.” or maybe “Everyone please check out FYI for the note from Michael on our Holiday Schedule.” You get the idea.

If you have something you want posted, send it to

FYI – This is for YOU. So, be on the lookout for more posts!